
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Welcome 2010!

The human species is programmed to examine, identify beginnings and endings, take stock of what is behind and to look ahead. It's part of our nature and our desire for meaning, contribution, purpose and participation. And because we are all unique as well, this takes different forms for each individual. I'm sometimes surprised to see how many things I actually accomplish that are on my list of goals for a new year. It's fun to review them and see how I did.Sometimes it means carrying over something that got pushed aside, like my novel query letters. That means a renewed commitment to stick with it and face those rejection letters with persistence. This is part of what commitments do for us. They move us right through the rough spots.

Here are some highlights from 2009:

Partnering with Operation Migration to make the Craniac Kids Whooping Crane Activity Book become a reality. Available to kids everywhere now--FREE!

Joining Operation Migration in Washington D.C. for the presentation of the Partners in Conservation Award.
Participating in bird banding at the Seven Islands Wildlife Refuge in Knoxville, TN

Observing a nesting pair of Red-shouldered Hawks and creating a sketchbook about my experience.

Plenty of painting, sketching and learning about art and how much I love it.

Enjoying a fun canoe drift down the French Broad River with bird-loving friends.
Learning to make a sketchbook loaded with watercolor paper. (More on this later).

And here is a short list of activities and events I'm looking forward to in 2010:

Monitoring Bluebird boxes at SIWR
Writing articles for the TN Conservationist
More bird banding at SIWR
Sketching in nature
The Space Coast Birding Festival, Titusville, FL
Launching another book project
Lots of watercolor and nature journaling!
Happy New Year everyone!

Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Who's Boss?

There's a favorite perch near my front door. It happens to be the stump of an old apple tree, long since down, positioned, very handily, in front of a holly bush. And right in front of the holly stands the bird bath, a favorite place for birds to visit in the winter when they're looking for an unfrozen source of water. Most every bird eyeing the feeders or stopping by for a drink, will at some point take their turn on the old apple stump. Mockingbirds, jays, towhees, sparrows, titmice, chickadees and Downies, and most recently, a male Red-bellied Woodpecker. It's the taking turns part that has caught my attention recently, on more than one occasion.
Watching the birds interact at the feeders can sometimes be surprising. Mostly, they seem to come in waves, each bird, taking their turn, peacefully waiting for whoever is feeding to grab their seed and go. But I see other types of behavior, as well, like two titmice, a goldfinch, and a Downy, all feeding at the same time. Or when the seemingly peaceful White-breasted Nuthatch starts wing-flexing and warning everyone else away. And then there's the Bluejay who sometimes flies in like a thug and dethrones the Mockingbird from the holly perch.

I've seen many birds shy away from the Mockingbird, but this is clearly not always the case. On this occasion, a Red-bellied male landed on the perch. I slowly nudged the door open with my foot, hoping to get an image or two without disturbing him. With my eye to the camera, and my focus on the woodpecker, I heard a commotion but didn't pause to look until I had captured the two images below.

In the first, the woodpecker has flared his wings and tail and faces the intruder, a Mockingbird, with his beak high. If you enlarge the image and check the very top, you'll see a bird foot on the perch.
The Mockingbird tried one more time to claim his spot, but not only did the woodpecker not budge, he moved toward him. The Mockingbird settled for a nearby limb and the Red-belly reigned...this time.
Doesn't he look regal with his sunlit red head and fanned tail?
So regal, that I thought he deserved a place in my sketchbook.

And there was space for the mocker, too.

What can I say? They're all boss!

Linked to Bird Photography Weekly #70 at to promote the conservation of our world's birds.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

A Cup, A Bird, A Ritual is Born

I didn't realize until yesterday, I've developed a pattern, a kind of ritual that separates the office work week from the days I pursue art and writing. And birds are an integral part of that ritual. In fact, they created it. (click images to enlarge)
It begins with picking up my favorite coffee-filled mug and setting out the bird feeders--a single plate of suet and sunflower seeds, and two hanging feeders. These are positioned on the edge of the patio just outside my door, easy to see, easy to hear birds approaching, easy to pick up my camera and step out the door...even in the brrrrrr cold we're having now.
Yesterday was one of those days. I got lost in it. One minute I was working on something, writing, sketching, making notes...the next, I hear a sound that pulls me out the door, camera in hand. I didn't come back in until I had lost the feeling in my fingers and toes. All I can say is, “the birds did it.”Their behavior and attitudes, their personalities, totally fascinate me. The bobbing of the wren's movements, the rowdy boldness of the titmouse, the king-presence of the mockingbird, the timid, invisible foraging of the sparrows, all so specific to each bird’s lifestyle and habits. Add to that, the delight of having them come so close to me, and I'm captive.

Yes, I'll be getting a bit anthropomorphic here. But it doesn't matter what we call it, it happens. We feed them, they become familiar with us, they come closer. And when this happens, I feel like I've just stepped into a Walt Disney movie.
Deeply focused on photographing a bird, I seldom move anything but the camera shutter, which is true for most photographers. And maybe that’s the key. Birds fly all around me, so close, I feel the wind of their flight against my cheek. Others hop toward me, when I expect the reverse, like this beautiful Chipping Sparrow who presented me with a breath-stopping moment. I knew I was not looking at a familiar sparrow and here he was, hopping right up to the camera, giving me all those cute inquisitive expressions. Were it not for the rowdy titmice, I think he/she would have hopped right up on the suet plate.
I've long practiced being still, from watching a honey bee crawl on my arm as a child to long hours listening to heart-felt stories in my office. Stillness and observation come naturally for me. And maybe that is all that’s required--enduring, predictable, non-intrusive behavior, coupled with the primary attraction of food and water. Aside from a giggle or two and my compulsion to talk to them occasionally, I'm sure the birds think the clicking of my camera shutter is my native language.
Can you interact so closely with birds and not adore them, want to protect them, feel curious about every aspect of their lives and their survival? I can’t. And for those who don’t have time or the inclination, I am happy to show you what they show me—curious faces, distinct personalities, perfectly adapted beaks and feet, an intricate beauty unsurpassed.
And how does my favorite coffee mug fit into all of this? Special memories are grounded in this mug--bird memories. Of Beeman’s Coffee Bar in Port Aransas, Texas, of beautiful endangered Whooping cranes wintering in the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge, of a laughing gull that wanted a bite of my cinnamon roll!

Put all together, this makes for a compelling ritual that I am likely to keep. Any favorite birding rituals in your life?
Bird images, top to bottom: 1) Carolina wren, 2) Blue Jay (enlarge image and check out the tuft of feathers covering his/her nare), 3) Tufted Titmouse, 4) Carolina wren, 5 & 6) Chipping Sparrow (new sparrow and yard bird for me), 7 & 8) Northern Mockingbird, 9) White-breasted Nuthatch.
Linked to Bird Photography Weekly #68 at to promote the conservation of our world's birds.

Monday, December 7, 2009

Enjoying the Unexpected

Snow, the first week of December...I haven't seen this in a while.
Arriving Saturday morning (Dec 5th), it stayed for the day, glistening and twinkling by afternoon as it dripped in the airy light. There is something comforting and satisfying about feeding birds when the weather is so cold and uninviting. All of us (me included) fluff up to stay warm. And that includes this sweet wintering White-throated Sparrow captured in the dim overcast light.
His November arrival always makes me smile. And this is the first time I've seen him on the "holly perch", the dead apple tree stump in front of the holly. A favorite perch for birds approaching the feeders, and for those dropping by for a berry snack, he typically prefers hanging out underneath the shrub. But in the midst of all this snow, he seemed to think the perch was a grand idea.
And squirrels. There are many! We seem to have a large batch of late juveniles with irresistable faces and naive curiosity. This one ventured within six feet of me. (Click the image and check out that baby fur!)

Sweet and trouble in one bundle,
their thick winter coats were striking against the snowy blends of gray and white. Add a colorful leaf or two, and we have nature's magic!
Linked to Bird Photography Weekly #67 at, to promote the conservation of our world's birds.