
Monday, April 14, 2008

Dogwood Winter

It's a wet, wintery Dogwood day. We expect this when the Dogwoods bloom, another blast of wintery cold, sometimes harsh, other times, fleeting. The native Dogwoods are a hardy bunch and what I noticed today in the cloudy gray is their crimped blossom edges have a richer, crimson hue.
Lots of cool, drippy gray to show off this blushing beauty.


  1. A favorite flower - we just don't get may of them here :-( Thanks for sharing these gorgeous shots!

  2. Hi Mountain girl,
    I love the dogwood, too. And this is what I also love about photography. The camera doesn't captures exactly what you see, but then it has a way of bringing you even closer to what you love.

  3. You're a wise woman with a great artistic eye :-)
