Alan at
Birds n’ Such has tagged me with the "Six Random Facts" meme.
To be honest, I wasn’t sure exactly what a blog
meme was until I was tagged with this one. So, I checked it out. And I realized after reading
Alan and
Kyle’s memes how I appreciated having this brief glimpse into their lives. So here goes with six of my own little-knowns.
1) My most intimate experience in nature happened during a visit to
Cades Cove in the Great Smoky Mountains several springs ago. Initially, venturing into wild places alone was intimidating for me. But in Cades Cove you are not exactly alone! When I came upon a “bear crowd” I pulled over to discover there was a sow high in the tulip poplar who had stashed three cubs on the hill side behind a log. When she came down, I watched her from a safe distance. And when she laid down to nurse her cubs right in front of me, I could not have been more breathless!

2) I took my first flight in an ultralight aircraft on impulse with a perfect stranger at a festival in 2002, forgetting momentarily that I’m afraid of heights. (Yes, my mind was on the magic of whooping crane migration.) But when the aircraft leveled out and I saw the distance to the ground, about 500 ft, I had my first full blown panic attack. Luckily I managed to conceal it and not terrify the pilot as well, and when we landed safely, I was elated with the whole experience. I went on to take ultralight pilot

3) I learned to
ride horses when I was five and will always love them. During a period of owning my own, I helped my mare give birth to her first foal and later milked her when the foal couldn’t nurse. It was like hand-milking a cow only it was a horse. She was in so much discomfort, she seemed to understand. This saved the valuable colostrum, the “first milk” that protects the foal from disease and infection and provides vital energy. The vet arrived to tube feed the baby the next morning and by the end of the day the foal perked up and life settled into a normal routine.

4) I hate to shop. It doesn’t matter what kind of shopping. Either
coffee or toilet paper will eventually get me to the grocery.
5) I love to dance.
Jazzercise is my main way of expressing that energy. It keeps me fit, makes me laugh and gives me my dance fix during the week. As an added bonus, it’s another great community!

6) A
novel that I began
writing ten years ago and finished earlier this year, has changed my life, giving me the courage to try many new things. In fact, it was while researching a novel character that I went out in the field with a wildlife photographer and discovered this intimate way of relating to nature. The work of getting the novel published is my main goal in 2009.
That's me holding a golden eaglet in Wyoming in 2000. What a joy! Photo by Bruce Anderson, TWRA.
Here are the rules to the Six Random Facts Meme:
1) Link to the person who tagged you.
2) Post the rules on your blog.
3) Write six random things about yourself.
4) Tag six people at the end of your post and link to them.
5) Let each person know they've been tagged and leave a comment on their blog.
6) Let the tagger know when your entry is up.
Here are my six tags: 1. The Northwest Nature Nut, 2. Michele at Creative Freedom Photography, 3. Mick at Sandy Straits and Beyond 4. Toni at A Spattering, 5. Monika at Orca Watcher, 6. Shelly at Birding in Michigan.
I hope there are no repeat tags here. And of course, the meme is completely optional. I tagged some friends whose blogs I particularly enjoy. So pay them a visit when you have a chance. And enjoy the season!